W H A T   T O   E X P E C T
W H E N   Y O U   V I S I T
Service Start: 10:45
Dress: Comfortable
Kids: Welcome
We understand that visiting a new church might be a bit intimidating. We want to put your mind at ease by telling you a bit about us. When you arrive, please follow the driveway on the right. It will bring you to the front of the building and the main entrance. When you pull in, what you are seeing is the back of our building – not the front. We know – we know – it’s kind of crazy, but the building was built in phases and the driveway never got rerouted. We have Sunday School for all ages beginning at 9:30AM. This precedes our worship time in age appropriate group settings.
Our worship begins at 10:45AM and is warm, simple, and informal. Dress in whatever manner you wish. We have a “cry room” adjoining the sanctuary so if they wish, parents can sit with infants and be part of the service at the same time. Otherwise we have a nursery for children birth to 4 years old.
You will immediately sense the simplicity of our services. Our goal is not to put on a show – but to help you draw nearer to God. Our worship songs are are intended to draw you into awareness of God’s presence and prepare your heart to hear, receive, and respond to His Word. We see ourselves as a family of families. As such, we often share prayer concerns and pray for one another. The messages are challenging, encouraging and centered on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We work hard to help you understand what the Bible says so that you can apply it to your life in practical ways.
As our guest, we want you to feel no obligation to put anything in our offering. It is passed for those who regularly attend and want to help support the ministry. The service is our gift to you!
After the morning service we offer refreshments and coffee in the fellowship hall which is down the long hallway to the left as you come out of the sanctuary. We invite you to stay awhile and enjoy some time getting to know our church family.